Plastic Recycling
Please contact us on 01278 684433/685868 for further information or if you would like help or advice on recycling your plastics.
Wheelie Bin Service
Wessex offer a wide range of plastic recycling services across the UK, including a wheelie bin recycling service for end of life or scrap bins and kerbside boxes from Local Authorities.
The comprehensive service includes:
● Collection of bins or boxes from site● Shredding and granulation● Recycling credits● Competitive rebates● Outstanding service level
Over 80% of our collections are actioned within 48 hours of a request, this outstanding service level ensures peace of mind and the smooth ongoing operation of your business.
Other Hard Plastics
Other hard plastics we recycle include:
● Oil & diesel tanks● Plastic pipe● Plastic crates, trays and containers● Bottle Banks
We recycle all kinds of bulky plastics. As part of our commitment to reducing landfill waste we raise awareness of the recycling potential of waste plastic with businesses.
Soft Plastic
We recycle a range of soft plastic and would be interested in the following:
● Polythene films - Clear or coloured with or without labels● Bulk bags● All types of film – loose or on reels